
Are You a True Stuy Student?

It is time to say goodbye to the Stuyvesant class of ‘24. But before they go, they have to take this quiz to see if they really lived up to their true “Stuy-potential”.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

As the school year comes to an end, we are all saying goodbye to our friends, cleaning out our lockers, and burning all of our old classwork papers. For many of us, it is time for a break into the real world, away from the safety of our beloved 10 (and a half) floor building. But before the class of ‘24 turns around and never looks back, this quiz will tell them if they lived up to their true “Stuy-Potential” during their time here. (If you are not in the class of ‘24, still feel free to take it!) 

Were you the quintessential Pegleg—the type of student New Yorkers typically think of when they hear the name of our prestigious high school? Or, did you pave your own way through the sea of students and faculty? You can keep score of your points using the dashes underneath each question, and the scoring chart will be at the end of the quiz. Have fun! 

  1. Wanted to change your ID photo immediately after taking it. (+1)


  1. Lost your ID. (+1)


  1. Been yelled at by the scanner ladies. (+1)


  1. Been yelled at by Mr. Moran or Mr. Simon. (+1) Add a second point if you’ve been yelled at by both of them. 


  1. Sat on the half floor. (+1)


  1. Sat on the sophomore bar. (+1)


  1. Sat in the junior atrium. (+1)


  1. Sat on the senior bar. (+1)


  1. Sat in the senior atrium. (+1)


  1. Bought something from Terry's. (+1) Add a second point if it was a pizza bagel.


  1. Bought something from Ferry’s. (+1) Add a second point if it was a roma bagel.


  1. Walked in on something non-PG-13 in the Hudson staircase. (+1)


  1. Spent the whole night in the robotics lab. (+1) Add a second point if robotics is the reason you have no social life. 


  1. Emailed a teacher for extra credit opportunities. (+1) Add a second point if you were a freshman or sophomore. 


  1. Cheated on an exam/quiz/etc. (+1)


  1. Transferred out of a class because of the teacher, despite it not being considered a valid reason to do so. (+1)


  1. Skipped class or school. (+1)


  1. Got caught skipping class or school. (+1)


  1. Read The Spectator/Humans of Stuy/the Caliper/any other Stuyvesant publication. (+1)


  1. Received an email from Mr. Moore at 3 a.m. (+1)


  1. Ran for Caucus or Student Union. (+1) Add a second point if you were elected and did nothing. 


  1. Watched SING! (+1) Add a second point if you’ve watched SING! every year you’ve been at Stuyvesant. 


  1. Cried after taking one of Mr. Hiller’s tests. (+1)


  1. Know where your class’ mnemonic is. (+1)


  1. Obeyed the “if the grades don’t touch, then you don’t touch” rule. (+1)


  1. Had your grades tank during a sports season. (+1) Add a second point if your grades skyrocketed the moment your season ended. 


  1. Failed an exam/quiz/etc. (+1)


  1. Participated in the Senior Crush Wall. (+1)


  1. Participated in Senior Skip Day. (+1)


  1. Went blind after taking one of Mr. Citron’s tests/quizzes. (He makes them in font 5.) (+1)


  1. Snuck cafeteria food out of the cafeteria. (+1) Add a second point if you got caught and got in trouble. 


  1. Have cried at least once at school. (+1)


  1. Fell victim to senioritis. (+1)


  1. Took the elevator when you weren’t supposed to. (+1)


  1. Went to JProm. (+1)


  1. Went to Senior Prom. (+1)


  1. Pulled an all nighter. (+1)


  1. Spend an ungodly amount of money on caffeinated drinks. (+1)


  1. Know what Pro Scientia Atque Sapientia is. (+1) Add a second point if you know what it means. 


  1. Took this quiz. (+1)


37 - 47 Points:

You are a true Stuy student, through and through. In fact, go ahead and call yourself Peter Stuyvesant. You weren’t the one waiting to cross the graduation stage to grab your diploma, but Principal Yu was. Having the gracious opportunity to shake your hand was the highlight of his life. 

27 - 36 Points: 

Not bad! You’ve almost unlocked your true potential. It’s never too late to indulge in a delicious pizza bagel or get yelled at by our amazing ID scanner crew. Don’t give up now, I believe in you. 

17 - 26 Points: 

Huh… I think you're missing a few points there. Maybe you missed a few questions—you should go back and check your answers again. Otherwise, I might have to mistake you as a Stuy wannabe after taking this quiz. Go back to What’s What, The Observer, The Survey, The Science Survey, or whichever Stuy-reject school newspaper you actually read. 

0 - 16 Points: 

Never mind, YOU are the true imposter. And if you aren’t, I just have one question for you. Do you live under a rock? I fear the only solution is super senioritis. These Stuyvesant experiences are ones that you truly can not miss; they make you whole. They turn you into a true man. It’s time for you to defer your college acceptance. I’ll see you next year!

Negative Points: 

I don’t know about your math, but based on mine, having negative points isn’t exactly possible in this situation. You probably shouldn’t super senior, but super pre-K.