Quotes from both sides of the topic of PSAL physical education free periods for athletes.
Issue 7, Volume 109
The SLT voted against continuing the discussion about the PSAL free proposal, which was presented by members of the SU.
The Vixens defeated the Hunter Hawks to capture Stuyvesant’s first girls’ volleyball city championship.
Issue 6, Volume 109
Stanford University and National Public Radio (NPR) hosted and taped an episode of “Philosophy Talk” at Stuyvesant on October 13 for the public to attend.
Issue 4, Volume 109
These are my biggest takeaways from the 2018 Yankees season as the playoffs begin to conclude.
With only a month left in the MLB regular season, this is a look ahead to my predictions for the 2018 playoffs.
Issue 1, Volume 109
The girls’ lacrosse team was unable to defeat Brooklyn Technical High School in the first round of the playoffs, ending their 2018 season.
Issue 15, Volume 108
The implementation of a pitch clock in the MLB is inevitable, which is bad news for pitchers.
Issue 13, Volume 108
In what was supposed to be Tom Brady’s cementation of GOAT status, the Patriots’s dynasty is the shakiest it has ever been.
Issue 10, Volume 108
Aaron Boone’s hire as the next Yankees manager leaves more questions than answers about the team.
Issue 7, Volume 108
Stuyvesant’s girls’ bowling team was defeated by Telecomm in the third round of the playoffs, but was otherwise proud of their overall performance this season.
Issue 6, Volume 108
In light of the Aaron Hernandez’s CTE reports, CTE is taking even more of a forefront in the NFL.Outquotes: Going head to head with 300-pound linebackers every week, five months out of the year unsurprisingly takes its toll on the brain.
Issue 4, Volume 108
The Huskies, Stuyvesant’s girls’ lacrosse team, won their first playoff game in recent memory before losing to Curtis in the next round.
Issue 16, Volume 107
The cricket team, after a rough 0-7 start to the season, will try to overcome the early season hole to close out strong.
Issue 15, Volume 107
The girls badminton team had an undefeated regular season but fell to Seward Park in the quarterfinal round to end their playoff run.
The boys’ tennis team will look to continue its dominance that led to a third place finish last year as it hopes to become the city champion this year.
Issue 12, Volume 107